Warning: Undefined variable $body_class in /home/u332077170/domains/ineedsocial.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/themes/bootstrap-basic4-child/creative-brief-full.php on line 162
class="page-template page-template-creative-brief-full page-template-creative-brief-full-php page page-id-2945 wp-embed-responsive">


    What is the domain name / URL you wish us to work on?

    What is this website or mobile app about?

    What kind of visitors are you expecting on your web or mobile app (interests, gender, age)?


    What problem(s) are you trying to solve with the website /app?

    Please list the names of two or more of your competitors and describe how are you different from them?

    What actions do you want visitors to take on the site?


    What is your key target/goal with the website/app?

    Is there any existing research data or reference concept we can use?

    What are the major pain-points of the current version of your
    site/app (if one exists)?


    What is the product/service to be promoted?

    What are the key features/benefits of the product/service?

    Why project is needed and what is hoped to be achieved?


    What are the core values of your company, what is important, what are your principles, what will govern your existence as an organization?

    What is the core purpose of the organization: why does it exist, why is it meaningful?

    What are the short, medium and long-term goals for the organization? What will it look like one year, five years and ten years from now?


    What is the business model: how do you make money, how will you measure economic performance and success?

    How would you like to be perceived by others?

    Describe your ideal customer profile?


    Who is your target audience? Are there any specific characteristics that these audiences have?

    What is the primary message you wish to convey to your audience with this site?

    How does the company differentiate itself from competitors?


    What does your company name mean? Where did the name come from?

    What are the key “issues” of your target audience, related to the “problems” your product/service can solve?

    What emotional motivators drive your target audience to purchase products/services, from you or your competitors?


    How will you convey the overall message? For example: effective messaging through copy, directed path towards goal, specific offer on homepage, etc.

    Do you have the content ready for the website? If not, when can we have the final draft by?

    What do you want to be famous for? What is your promise: when people think of you, what words or thoughts will come to mind? (Please stay away from marketing hyperbole when answering this question – simple and truthful will do very well).


    Do you know who your ideal customers are? What else do they buy? What are their likes, dislikes, values? You can also define the customers you DON’T want.

    What are your primary and secondary brand touch points? Brand touch points are every possible interaction or experience people will have with your brand (examples include: pre-purchase enquiry calls; website; advertisements; your shop; post-purchase surveys or mail-outs, etc)

    Do you have stock photographs you want to include on the website that you have purchased in the past? Do you have images you have rights to use on your website?


    Describe any visual elements or styles that can be utilized from existing (if exists). If you want to include other websites where you have seen them please provide URLs or web addresses.

    List any sites you find compelling. What do you find most interesting about these sites? What functionality or visual appeal would you like see in your website?

    Any specific colours you want for your website.


    Do you prefer illustrations or photo realistic objects to be use in designs?

    Do you have Sitemap (site navigation) ready with you? If yes there share with us.

    What is the primary action you wish your target user to take from the main page of your site? (Examples: download, browse, move along a specific path, email, order, explore, click button, call toll free, request a call, etc.)


    What is the primary action you wish your target user to take before leaving your site? Is it the same action as bullet #1 under this section? If not, please describe.

    What elements or actions do you wish be available on every page of the website? (e.g. 800 number, etc.)

    Please enter your contact details.

